Why security fencing is considered the first line of defence

According to recent studies, criminals target properties with multiple entry and exit options and properties that are near or in easy access from main roads. Most break-ins are done through forced entry by means of breaking locks and doors. However, properties without any type of security fencing are more vulnerable as this makes it possible to gain faster access and to get close to windows where the criminals can look through to identify items that can be stolen.
Security layers make it difficult for criminals to gain entry. Rather than just having burglar bars and security doors, property owners should attempt to keep the criminals from their property with proper security fencing. In addition, alarm systems, CCTV, connection to armed response, and security lights should be installed.
It is imperative to keep the fences clear from bushes that can be used as hiding places, overhanging tree branches which can become places to get over the fences, and any type of structure next to the fence that can be used as stepping stone to scale the fence. With proper perimeter security the property owner limits the ability of the criminals to do surveillance which helps to limit the risk of unpleasant surprise attacks.
Strong security doors with slam-lock action, roll-down shutters to prevent surveillance into shops, extra strong burglar bars with the clear bars for lower risk windows, and the Maxi-Fence system for perimeter protection help to reduce the risks significantly.
Gates must always be locked. Invest in a solid gate for the perimeter, add an additional level of security through the installation of electric fence on top of the security fence, and add electric fence capabilities to the see-through burglar bars.
The Maxi-Fence is a revolutionary new invention to make it as difficult as possible for criminals to gain entrance to a property without compromising on the aesthetic appeal of the property. The perimeter fence system is suitable for applications ranging from school, church, retail centre, warehouse, residential home, estate, and sport ground fencing. Indeed, because of its safety profile, aesthetical characteristics, and high level of security the fence is also suitable for usage around swimming pools.
This type of security fencing has a high level of corrosion resistance because of PVC and ZincAlu coatings, making it well-suited for applications in the coastal region or industrial areas. It consists of welded mesh panels fixed to specially designed posts for optimal strength. The fine mesh system doesn’t have any spaces large enough for fingers or feet to fit onto or through. Directly scaling the fence is thus not possible and with it comes the added advantage of not enough space to insert a wire cutter, saw or any type of device to bend open or cut through the fence system.
Learn more about Maxidor available from Byers Security http://www.byerssecurity.co.za/#!maxidor/gpzq5