Spring into action with these Security Tips for your garden and home
Keeping your garden neat and well-maintained is an effective way to deter burglars. A tidy garden sends a signal that the property is regularly occupied and cared for. Here are some tips:
1. Regular maintenance: Regularly mow the lawn, trim hedges, and weed flower beds. Overgrown vegetation can provide hiding spots for burglars.
2. Adequate lighting: Install motion sensor lights or solar-powered lights in your garden. Good lighting can discourage burglars from attempting a break-in.
3. Clear view lines: Trim any trees or shrubs that obstruct the view of your property from the street or neighboring houses. This removes potential hiding places for burglars and allows your neighbors to see any suspicious activity.
4. Secure garden boundaries: Ensure fences, gates, and walls are in good condition and properly secured. Repair any damages promptly to maintain security.
5. Secure gardening tools: Lock away your gardening tools and equipment in a shed or garage when not in use. Leaving them outside can make it easier for burglars to break in or use them as tools for forced entry.
6. Avoid leaving valuable items in plain sight: Store bikes, lawnmowers, or other valuable items out of sight from the street. This reduces the temptation for potential burglars.
7. Be mindful of the exterior of your property: Don't leave ladders or other climbing tools outside, as they can be used by burglars to access higher windows or balconies.