Behind the screens...
The polygraph is one of the most important investigation tools available to an investigator today. Byers Security makes use of the polygraph as a tool to obtain information and at times to narrow down the suspect list.

From Pre-Employment to Periodic and Specific tests, polygraph tests provide accurate results, identifying risks as well as assisting in clearing innocent persons. Byers Security offers the following types of polygraph tests:
Polygraph testing are mainly used in the business sector for, Pre-Employment, Incident Screening / Testing, Criminal Checks and Periodical Screening.
The analytic theory of polygraph testing is that greater changes in physiological activity are loaded at different types of test stimuli as a function of deception and truth-telling in response to relevant target stimuli. A polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector, measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while a person is asked and answers a series of questions.
Background Screening is also known as Background Checks, Suitability Checks and Probity Checks. This is the process of looking up and authenticating various pieces of personal and confidential information on an individual or an organisation.
This information can be used to verify whether an individual or organisation is being truthful and transparent about their credentials. In turn, this becomes a pro-active step in reducing risk based on the information.
Background Screening checks and verifications are often requested by employers on job candidates for employment screening, especially on candidates seeking a position that requires high security or a position of trust, such as in a school, hospital, financial institution, airport, and government.
These checks are often used by employers as a means of ascertaining a job applicant's academic claims, character, and capabilities as per the job profile, and to identify potential hiring risks.

Pre-employments and Background Screening:
The primary benefit of Background Screening is that it avoids the problem of an unsuited individual or organisation being hired or utilised. The repercussion of not screening is that it could lead to increased costs and risks due to untruthful, incorrect, or deliberate omission of information by the person or organisation.
To mitigate risks for companies looking to hire employees, it is quickly becoming standard practice to screen prospective employees during the hiring process. By conducting pre-employment screening, the following benefits can be realised:
Screening of applicants prior to employment is of particular relevance in positions where honesty is important. Prospective applicants are tested on:
Work history details
Prior criminal activity and convictions
Narcotic and Alcohol abuse
Main benefits of a pre-employment screening test:
Peace of mind in ensuring that a high calibre individual has been appointed with skills relevant to the job profile.
A reduction in training and employee development costs, resulting in increased productivity as the most suited employee was hired for the position.
Improved regulatory compliance to HR procedures during the hiring process where particular credential verifications are required.
Risk mitigation against negative reputation associated with hiring of individuals whose job history and skills are questionable.
Pro-active Background Screening helps organisation avoid costly litigation due to dismissals that may result in arbitration.
Tied to key competencies required for the job, in a legally defensible way: This is where we learn more about the education, technical skills and “soft skills” needed to perform the job.
Used to screen out candidates that are likely to display risky behaviours, in a consistent and fair way: Decisions like – is this person considered a good applicant? Did this person meet our expectations in the interview? This process should provide clear, job-related and consistent answers to these questions by screening out candidates who do not meet the criteria required.
A great way to let your recruiters spend more time with only qualified candidates: Assessments save your organization time and money by letting your personnel focus their time with candidates that meet the benchmark on competencies needed for success on the job. This is especially important for organizations that have a small recruiting team, or just want to leverage their recruiting talent in other ways.
Created with the end in mind: Some assessments are designed to screen out risky candidates while others are designed to take a “deep dive” into numerous competencies and help you identify the right person for the job
Periodical screening tests:
Periodic polygraph screening is something that is essential for many organizations. Not only is it an effective deterrent and risk management device, and not only does it uncover incidents and issues you may not even be aware of, but by both preventing and dealing with these issues, our periodic polygraph exams help you maintain the pleasant, enjoyable atmosphere of your organization. Tests help confirm to you that your employees are worthy of your trust, and confirm to your employees that they are trusted and valued.
Criminal record checks:
Employment background checks help greatly reduce the chance of future workplace violence by filtering out applicants that could present a threat to the workplace environment. Comprehensive screening will detail past incidents which may provide critical insight to behavioural habits that could pose a threat in the future. Statistics show a large percentage of incidents employees / managers have to deal with on a daily basis include minor assaults, domestic violence, threats, harassment (to include sexual harassment), stalking, and physical and/or emotional abuse.
Background screening new employees will dramatically reduce your rate of unwanted turnover. The more you know about a new hire before an employment offer is ever made, the more you will reduce your chance of making the wrong hiring decision.
The benefits of comprehensive employment background screening include: Increased applicant and new hire quality reduced workplace violence, reduced negligent hiring liability, reduced losses from employee dishonesty, making the right hire the first time, and avoiding negative publicity.
Byers Security Solutions’ polygraph examiner, Abri Kamper, studied at the International Polygraph Studies Center (IPSC) is accredited with the American Polygraph Association (APA) and the American Association of Police Polygraphists (AAPP).

Established in 1966, the American Polygraph Association (APA) is the world's leading association dedicated to the use of evidence-based scientific methods for credibility assessment. The APA promotes the highest standards of professional, ethical and scientific practices for its members through the establishment and publication of standards for professional practice including techniques, instrumentation, analysis, research, training and continuing education.
The American Polygraph Association (APA) is a professional organization that exists to provide training, model best practices, and offer professional resources for the continued growth of ethical and evidence- based detection of deception through the use of polygraph. The APA membership consists of professional polygraph examiners, educators and researchers who share a common commitment to the public interest through the development, communication and promotion of valid and ethical polygraph practices.